販売価格: 1,980,000円
※ 販売価格は相場によって変動いたします。また、商品はサイト更新日のものとなりますので、価格の変更が生じる場合や在庫がなくなる場合がございます。
ジチズンのエコ・ドライブ ワンは厚みがなんと2.98mm しかも光発電で動く凄まじさです、光発電機能を含むキャリーバーの厚みは1mmしかないんですよ
さらに上には上がいますねリシャール・ミルのフェラーリとのコラボレーションモデル「RM UP-01」は手巻きの機械式でなんと1.75mmと500円玉とほとんど同じ厚みです
しかし驚くのは薄さだけではありません「RM UP-01」は世界150本限定で価格はなんと188万ドル(約2億9000万円)です薄くて身に付けているのを忘れそうですがこの価格なら絶対にわすれませんねw
とはいきません2024年にブルガリが「オクト フィニッシモ ウルトラ COSC」を発売薄さは1.70mmとリシャールの「RM UP-01」を0.05mm上回る薄さで現在世界一薄い腕時計となっています
This time, I would like to introduce a very thin watch that we have just received.
It's called Bulgari Octofinissimo, and we measured the thickness of the watch, and it's only 5.3mm, and it weighs very light, so it looks comfortable to wear.
However, there are still thinner watches in the world!
The Eco-Drive One from ZITIZEN is 2.98mm thick and runs on photovoltaic power generation, and the thickness of the carry bar, including the photovoltaic function, is only 1mm!
Richard Mille's collaboration model with Ferrari, the RM UP-01, is a hand-wound mechanical watch that is 1.75mm thick, almost as thick as a 500 yen coin!
The RM UP-01 is limited to 150 pieces worldwide and is priced at a whopping $1.88 million.
Richard is the best in the world!
In 2024, Bulgari will launch the Octo Finissimo Ultra COSC, which is 1.70mm thinner than Richard's RM UP-01 by 0.05mm, making it the thinnest watch in the world today.
Moreover, it is limited to 20 pieces worldwide and is priced at 8,428,000 yen, which is quite inexpensive.